Community in Cambridge

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Charity of the Year in Cambridge

One of the ways in which we support the local community is through our Cambridge Charity of the Year programme. We chose Jimmy’s Cambridge as our 2023 Charity of the Year following an employee nomination process and charity review panel comprising employee representatives.

Jimmy’s opened in 1995 as Cambridge’s first all year round night shelter and now offers a much wider range of support. It remains one of the most prominent organisations within the community supporting people who have been rough sleeping in the city.

We are delighted to have chosen Jimmy’s Cambridge for our 2023 Charity of the Year and look forward to working with them on a range of fundraising activities. We hope to make a significant impact on those in our community who rely on the support by Jimmy’s, who provide options, tools and skills to support people on their journey, developing a tailored pathway to independence.

Professor Sir Mene Pangalos Executive Vice-President, BioPharmaceuticals R&D, AstraZeneca

We are really excited to have been chosen by AstraZeneca as their charity of the year. People who have been rough sleeping often feel like no-one cares about them so sharing stories of how local communities and businesses support Jimmy's can give everyone a real boost. To keep our doors open every day of the year we rely on the kindness of people from Cambridge and beyond to donate money, things, time or expertise so we are really looking forward to helping you fundraise for us in any way we can.

Mark Allan CEO, Jimmy’s Cambridge

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STEM Outreach Activities & Partnerships in Cambridge


STEM in Cambridge

We want to inspire the next generation of scientists through our STEM outreach programme, and by our student apprenticeship and graduate placement programmes. In Cambridge we are in partnership with many organisations as well as shaping and delivering science activities and programmes to local schools and colleges

STEM Ambassadors:

Over 100 of our employees are STEM volunteers in Cambridge, cultivating and inspiring talent for the future. Our volunteers are involved in some exciting initiatives in the city and the surrounding areas:

  • The Cambridge Science Centre, helping 60,000 children and young adults a year discover life sciences.

  • The Cambridge Festival, public engagement through outreach activities, talks and sponsorship.

  • The Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology, through an annual challenge for 14-18-year-olds and joint outreach.

  • The Cambridge United Community Trust – Active Science programme – ‘meet a scientist’ sessions in primary schools.

  • Enthuse Partnerships – High impact programmes working in partnership with selected schools, combining teacher development with engaging and inspirational activities for students.

  • Shaping and delivering science activities and supporting our employees in their local schools meeting the national curriculum and Gatsby benchmarks.

From connecting entrepreneurs with dedicated business mentors, organising guest lectures to offering internship, we have more than 75 business mentors in Cambridge. To date around 90 start-ups have benefited from their advice so far.

Veeva ID: Z4-52141
Date of preparation: February 2023